• by Stepping Stones Clinic directior Dr Trudie Rossouw

The current time presents us with many challenges.ย  As parents we suddenly have changes to our careers as we become teachers overnight having to take up home schooling as well as coping with working from home at the same time.ย  Having endless days of family time is both a blessing and a curse at times.ย  We run out of ideas of entertainment and the monotony of days can feel endless.ย  On the other hand, however, I see a reduction in unhelpful behaviour in young people such as a reduction in drug use.ย  Some young people are also less stressed due to not being at school and not experiencing the intensity of social interaction on a daily basis.

On the other hand, many families carry large concerns for relatives that are over 70 or suffering from chronic illness in the face of the virus.ย  Some of our families have already experienced terribly tragic losses.ย  We are also seeing an increase in domestic violence calls coming through to call centers in the country.

All of the support and attention for health services are presently being focused on physical health and mainly for support of Covid victims, which means that all other issues are forced onto the backseat.ย  However, there is an increase in mental health related issues.ย  There is a significant increase in anxiety in young people and I am noticing an increase in depression too.ย  Sometimes when one is feeling anxious or depressed, your own mind is your worst enemy and when you have less distractions, you are trapped with your mind, which can make matters worse.

When everything is focused on the virus, you may feel as if you donโ€™t know where to turn to when you feel anxious or depressed or you may feel that you should not seek help as your feelings are less important than the virus infection.

This time is more stressful than other times and your feelings are valid and should not be ignored or go unnoticed.

We are open for business in Stepping Stones Clinic and we offer assessment and treatment via online/phone platforms during the time of lockdown.ย  We are a private mental health clinic for children, young people and families and we are based in South Gate, however, at the moment, we provide sessions in your home via secure online platforms.ย  We are CQC regulated and have been rated as GOOD.ย  All medical insurance companies are funding sessions during this time that are attended virtually.

If you would like an appointment, please feel free to contact us for an appointment or a discussion about the services that we offer. Please see below our contact details and the details of our website.

  • Dr Trudie Rossouw, Clinic Director

Contact numbers: 07864254257, 7944 877172

Contact email:ย
